Monday, September 30, 2019

Evolution and History of Cooking Essay

The value of history is that it helps us to understand the present and the future. In food service, knowledge of our professional heritage helps us to see why we do things as we do, how our cooking techniques have developed and refined and how we can continue to develop and innovate in the years ahead. THE EGYPTIANS: †¢ First recorded instance of inn-keeping †¢ Generally managed by mother and father operations †¢ Most food was from their own gardens and flocks †¢ Meals consisted of mainly dates, figs, apricots, fish, chicken, duck, onions and red cabbage. †¢ Cooking media was largely olive oil. †¢ Poorer inns served predominantly ‘pulses’ that is soups made from a base of lentils. THE GREEKS: †¢ Ancient Greeks were the next who left written and pictorial records of eating, drinking and sleeping away from home †¢ Culinary world owes much of its knowledge to the Greeks †¢ Almost all of the foods purchased and prepared today, as well as many types of beverages, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic were used during middle and Late Greek times. †¢ The oldest cookbook preserved today is that of â€Å"Apicius† written sometime between400 BC and 100 AD depending upon the historical source. †¢ This book contains not only detailed instructions for preparing the cuisine of that day, but also rigid specifications for purchasing foodstuffs †¢ The art and cookery then spread to the Roman chefs of that day who were both negatively as well as positively motivated to learn the art of cooking food. †¢ The Greeks are also credited for developing the first comprehensive set of kitchen utensils and equipment †¢ Tools like frying pans, sauce pans, colanders, Bain Marie and butcher’s knives are being used even today. THE ROMANS: †¢ During this time, a group of scholars were sent to Greece to study literature and arts, including culinary arts †¢ Many of the finest Greek chefs were lured away and were treated as professionals worthy of the highest respect and esteem. †¢ The best of Greek culinary achievements were brought to Rome and were integrated into the Roman culture. THE FRENCH: †¢ The marriage of Catherine de Medici to King Henry has brought a whole battalion of Florentine cooks to France. †¢ In the 17th and 18th Century, the Royalty and high ranking people started taking great interest in foods and the cooks in gratitude started naming the dishes after them. †¢ By the end of the 19th century, French culinary art reached its peak, the highest point of perfection. †¢ Chefs like Escoffier and Prosper Salles etc published books on cookery, which had fat reaching importance and are known throughout the world today. †¢ France’s contribution to the international culinary repertoire is well known and has bestowed her own names on the majority of dishes creating technical terminology of international usage. †¢ Every ingredient speaks its own language. The most important role is to use only the best and perfect ingredients and proper blend of colour and taste of ingredients. †¢ Garnishes and accompaniments play a key role in French cuisine and dishes are identified by them. CHINESE COOKING: †¢ Chinese culture is the oldest continuous civilization in the world. †¢ In china, friendship and food are inseparably linked, a gathering without food is considered incomplete and improper. †¢ One thousand years ago, before BC, they were already experimenting with fancy cooking, recording their recipes on silk and bamboo. †¢ Considered the best in the Eastern world, they have been gastronomically courageous, setting no limits to their experiments. †¢ They put everything edible to use, finding wonderful ways to utilize strange plants and roots like lily buds, bamboo shoots, jasmine etc. †¢ Strong sense of artistry is expressed in Chinese cooking. †¢ Chinese cooking needs the shortest time, uses intense heat sealing the juices and preserving colour and texture. †¢ Regional cuisines of China include: Cantonese, Sichuan, Hunan, Fukien and Xhanhung. INDIAN COOKING: †¢ Indian cuisine can be said to have evolved along lines parallel to Indian history †¢ Bhima, the Pandava prince and Nala, a King in Hindu Mythology have been acclaimed to be the best chefs. †¢ Strong impact made on Indian cuisine was during the reign of Moghals in the 16th Century, who were fond of good living, eating and cooking. †¢ The regional dishes are influenced in different parts of India by religion, caste and old traditions and customs. †¢ The preparations of various dishes are handed over from one generation to the next †¢ Indian cuisine can be broadly classified into North Indian and South Indian Cuisines.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

A Historical Perspective on Reading Research and Practice Essay

This article has responded to both internal and external forces resulting from gradual and dramatic transitions based on historical perspectives. This has permitted a reasonable reflection and a sense of wisdom that is susceptible to loss when one engages in it. The underlying reason is the critical dimension to the present day events and issues analysis resulting from the broadened reading culture. In the late 20th century, reading became a recognized study field with systematic research programs aiming at ascertaining its fundamental nature and its acquisition process. This resulted from the confluence of social, educational, political and economic factors. Quantitative and qualitative changes in U. S. public schools’ systems after the World War II provided favorable environment for the reading transitions. Reading processes and skills were broken down into constituent parts which were practiced and reinforced in a systematic and orderly manner during classroom sections. Reading became a conditioned behavior based on certain environmental contingencies. Individuals positively responded to learning from repeated and controlled stimulation from the environment. This stimulus-response relationship was accompanied by rewards and punishments led to the habituation of the reading act (Alexander & Fox, 2004). Therefore, academic learning involved identification of the preferred behaviors prerequisites and training. This aimed at untangling the chained links in reading so as to train the learner in each component skill. In addition, material effectiveness was structured and controlled in the delivery of environmental stimulation and practice opportunities. Emphasis on studying observable behavior focused on reading as a perceptual activity which included identification of visual signals and validating diagnostic instruments and remedial techniques. However, alternative human learning theories which focused on perceptual process as a whole still operated on underground which examined that reading is per introspection rather than through behavior. Human beings could make a coherent sense out of the perceptional data through whole-word recognition, context comprehension and word identification thus considering reading as a unique human activity owning definitive characteristics. Increased interest in internal mental structures and processes ignited by the advancements in neurology and artificial intelligence has caused transformations in the learning institutions. Moreover, the dissatisfaction with behaviorism as an explanatory system caused changes. The article points that present institutions should conceptualize learning as a natural process rather than conditioning and that language should be developed through a meaningful use. Also learning to read should be viewed as an inherent ability rather than a reflective action with laborious skill acquisition. As a result, reading research unified the literacy field through language arts. Learning to read became a matter of arriving at a facility due to the understanding quest within a language-rich environment. The growing attention to the structure and processes of the human mind and increased federal funding by the Unites States led to creation of research centers caused another theoretical transformation. These new researchers explained human language as an interaction between symbol system and mind. Learning as a natural metaphor was replaced with a mechanistic information processing metaphor. Text-based as a form of learning, involved knowledge which was organized and stored within the individual mind (Alexander & Fox, 2004). In addition, Knowledge base was depicted as powerful, persuasive, individualistic and modifiable since it was linked to the individual’s perspectives on what they had read, their interpretation and recall out of the written text. The information processing of this period resulted in cognition-related constructs which strengthened the aforementioned characteristics of knowledge. Furthermore, it focused on the individual mind. This was because the computer-based guiding had little considerations of socio-cultural influences in processing linguistic information. To add on, the research studies stressed on individualistic interpretations of written text and exhibited that the knowledge of the students could be greatly modified through training, direct intervention and/or overt instructions. Other contributors of improved text comprehension were instructional environments and pedagogical techniques. In view of any reading approach, there must be a shift away from the neurological argument to much concern for naturalism in the materials and procedures used to teach reading. Moreover, they should create unity within the language arts. The cognitive psychology gave a new viewpoint for literacy and educational researchers. It studied literacy with naturally occurring texts in natural settings with holistic and aesthetic school of thought. It aimed creating a mutual understanding arising in the social interaction of individuals in particular contexts at a time (Alexander & Fox, 2004). The dominant perspective was learning being a socio-cultural collaborative experience and the learner being a member of the learning community. Reform on modern schools  Present day schools should anticipate for motivation in the form of readers’ achievement of goals, interest and involvement in the learning experience with change in perception of texts, reader and reading. This can be achieved due to the introduction of the hypermedia and hypertext forms of learning which has increased the attention in classroom discourse thus improving the students’ academic. Effective orientation has to be done so as to capture the complexity of reading and recognize the changing nature of reading as the reader engages in a range of reading-related, goal-directed activities. With the dichotomization of reading into learning to read and reading to learn, it has led to integrated and developmental learning perspective. Engaged learning has led to the acknowledgement of the fact that reading extends to the texts students come across daily such as nonlinear, interactive, dynamic and visually complex materials transmitted using audiovisual media. Current learning institutions should learn about the potentials of alternatives nonlinear media and examine how pedagogical techniques and learning environments can be adapted to aid readers from struggling with traditional texts. Students should be encouraged to participate in meaningful and goal-directed text-based learning. Moreover, attention should be drawn to create a personally and socially valuable body of knowledge. Strategies are put in place to promote reflection, choice and deliberate execution on the learner’s part which actively engages the leaner thus developing the reading perspective. To be complete, readers, and learners should focus on demonstrating fluency in reading and other basic linguistic skills. Workable solutions  Some of workable solutions would include provision of personally relevant texts, both traditional and alternative that will promote deeper and wider student engagement in their learning. Putting in place technological advancements capable of transforming learning and teaching through production of proliferated information sources and different text types can also be productive. Involving high-stakes testing and efforts to institute national standards have hastened the students’ learning since they prescribe the content and skills learners should have acquired at various institutional levels. Investments in basic reading skills and components in special education institutions have helped struggling readers since researchers have greatly supported. Changes which might improve things One of major consideration that should be put in place is recognition of the fact that reading is invariably physiological, psychological and sociological thus an integrated orientation is a prerequisite. Therefore physical, visual, and neurological stimuli to the learning processes should also be employed. In addition, every reading process needs to enhance the psychological interpretation, storage and retrieval of text, goals formulation and expression of interests. Sociologically, a reading culture that focuses in intra-individual and inter-individual communication through linguistic media that are socio-culturally influenced can also play a big role in changing the existing education. Lastly, a fine-grained reading view that incorporate brain structures and mental activities of an individual and social behavior have to be integrated meaningfully throughout these orientations.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Broken Globe Stage 2 Essay

Characterization is the process by which authors make characters come alive for readers. Authors have many techniques available to portray characters, and they can broadly be divided into indirect and direct presentation. In the short story â€Å"The Broken Globe†, author Henry Kreisel brillantly develops the two principle characters, Nick Solchuk and his father, through indirect presentation. Consistency is the key to good characterization. From ? rst person point of view, the reader obtains a full portrait of both Nick and his father indirectly by learning what the narrator sees and hears somewhat objectively. Nick, the narrator’s friend, is a successful geophysicist studying the curvature of the earth. He demonstrates persistance, passion, and determination in the study of the earth. He asks the narrator â€Å"eagerly† with â€Å"his face reddening† about his paper to the International Congress. Even under the torture of his father, he still keeps his goal of proving that the earth moves. He even retorts his father by saying â€Å"You can beat me and break my globe, but you cannot stop [the earth] from moving. † This passage shows his determination in his belief. On the other hand, Nick’s father adopts personas of sophistication during the short visit of the narrator. His father is stubborn that he only believes what he sees is the truth: â€Å"[the earth] is ? at, and she stands still. † He is also imptuous and fractious that he â€Å"[beats] Nick like he is the devil† when he wants Nick to accept the same concept of the earth as he believes. Both characters are consistent and static, for they are still living in their own world: one lives in a ? at world and the other lives in the world of science. Another signi? cant objective of characterization is to reveal motivation. Kreisel’s story is set mainly in Alberta, a â€Å"land ? attens until there seemed nothing. † Living in Alberta, Nick’s father sees only the open prairies and ? elds every day; thus he perceives that the earth is exactly ? at and still as what he sees. Moreover, the reader learns that he is hard to change his mind because â€Å"he received an education of sorts when he was a boy. † Therefore, he believes that the earth is the center of the universe and the center is still. Similarly, Nick’s motivation is intrigued by a teacher who teaches him the earth is round and is moving. This teacher’s â€Å"enthusiasm [is] infectious† as Nick says. The teacher shows Nick a world larger than the ?at prairies, a world that is exuberent. Although the two characters’ own views of the world contradict one another, they do care and love each other. To build characters that convincing, the author must make their actions realistic and believable. Nick and his father are plausible due to their backgrounds. Nick’s father is taught that â€Å"the earth is ? at and still,† and what he sees outside in Alberta is only the far-distant prairies with â€Å"neither hill nor tree nor bush. † Furthermore, Nick, suffering from the violence of his father, always illustrates indomitable perserverence in seeking the truth. He continually shows to his father a globe can move, even though he knows his father will be mad. People with bond ? de determination can achieve their goals, just like Nick achieves his goal and becomes a geophysicist (to prove his father wrong? ). Altogether, they both are rounded characters in that they demonstrate many attributes and traits. Nick’s father is a stubborn, impulsive, and fractious father whereas Nick is a passionate, indomitable, and persistent geophysicist. In the story â€Å"The Broke Globe† Henry Kreisel effectively utilizes many techniques to develop characters, and further reveals a thoughtful insight into life. Nick’s father who insistently believes that the world is ? at and still lives in his own â€Å"broken globe†, where â€Å"Satan has taken over all the world† but him. 1. Sample Task for English 12 Writing Prepared by Seaquam Page 15 Characterization: A Father and a Son, How the Apple Falls Characters can make a short story rich and worth reading. In Henry Kreisel’s â€Å"The Broke Globe† the differences in ethics between a man and his father is seen through the eyes of a somewhat neutral narrator. Nick Solchuk is a brilliant man of science, while his father is the polar opposite. His father is a pious prairie farmer who does not value higher education or the values its teaches. Even though these characters are presented indirectly, Kreisel utilizes other methods to develop the characters. He shows them as static and round characters who are plausible and who remain consistent. Being ? rst person narrative, no direct presentation is used because the author cannot speak directly. He simply assumes the persona of a a narrator and therefore all presentation is indirect. One can ? nd out a lot about a character by what others say about him. Nick’s father is developed in the beginning during the conversation between Nick and the narrator. At this point the reader discovers that Nick and his father differ in many ways. Obviously, Nick is a man of great intelligence as the narrator say, â€Å"he studied at Cambridge and got his doctorate there and was now doing research at the Imperial College. † The reader also learns that despite being a brilliant man, nick whistfully remembers his simple childhood growing up in Three Bear Hills, Alberta. Nick’s father is developed much the same way later on in the conversation. Nick reveals that his father is a polar opposite. Nick’s father is shown as a religious prairie farmer with â€Å"a strange imagination. † Nick also explains why there is tension between himself and his father. â€Å"Curious man my father. He had strange ideas and a strange imagination too. He couldn’t understand why I was going to school or university. † â€Å"I suddenly realized that the shape of the world he lived in had O been O ? xed for him by some medieval priest in the small Ukranian villiage he was born in O But he still lived in the universe of the medieval church. : The reader now knows that Nick and his father are very different. Dialogue becomes a very important part of this story. The reader learns a lot about the father by what he says and by what he says he does. The ? rst meeting between the father and the narrator shows a lot about the father. â€Å"You friend of NickOWhat he do now? O still tampering with the earth? † Now, it has been con? rmed that Nick’s ideas differ greatly from his father’s. Nick’s father may be a simple prairie farmer, but that does not mean that he is rude. The father acts very formally when inviting the narrator inside his house. He stands as the narrator comes in, which is a sign of respect; he even brings out coffee for the narrator. The reader continues to learn about the relationship Nick’s father has with his son, and certain other people. The father explains how he exploded at a teacher for â€Å"letting Satan in† and for teaching Nick science at school. This act shows how the father deals with other people. The father goes on to elaborate on how he dealt with Nick as a child. â€Å"I grab him by the arm and I shake him and I beat him like he was the devilOAnd he made me madder and madder because he doesn’t cry or shout or nothing. † â€Å"I would of killed him right there for sure. † The reader now knows how he handles his son. Nick and his father are both static, round characters. They do not change at the end of the story, but they have many traits. Nick’s father proves he does not change by saying to the narrator â€Å"Satan has taken over all the world. † Then he suddenly rousled himself and hits the table with his ? st crying passionately, â€Å"But not me! Not me! † The characters act consistently throughout the story. â€Å"The Broken Globe† is a deeply driven character story. Both main characters are well developed. In some cases, the apple falls very far from the tree.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Social Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Social Identity - Essay Example Today the communicative society becomes international and the role of foreign languages arises. The language using allows a speaker not only to express but to create a representation of himself in relation to others with whom he is cooperating. To show a respect is an aspect of the broader relationship between power and language. Power is the degree to which one companion is able to control the behavior of the other. There are many personal characteristics that are potential bases of power in relationships between people they are: physical strength, age, wealth, sex, profession, or institutionalized role in the church, government, or family.. Another important degree of relationship in sociolinguistic cooperation is solidarity. It has reciprocal linguistic forms and creates the relationship of solidarity in the contrast to power. Using non-solidary forms express distance and formality, while solidary forms express intimacy and familiarity. Solidarity can be achieved in cooperation where communicators share some common attribute - for instance, attendance at the same school, wo rk in the same profession, membership in the same family and others.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Hewlett Packard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Hewlett Packard - Essay Example The researcher states that as per SWOT analysis of HP, the company’s internal analysis is based on its strengths and weaknesses. Strengths Products and solutions of HP are competitive and provide a cost advantage. During the recession of 2009, efforts focused on reducing cost base and making it variable got succeeded in giving it the competitive advantage. It was the result of following proper processes that it could control spending and maintain the organization stability by integrating the services businesses attained from Electronic Data Systems Corporation (EDS). It has been successful in maintaining the strength of its products, services, and brand HP. The workforce of HP stands high in technical expertise providing a solid base by adding stability to its functions. Restructuring of the workforce in services and product businesses in the fiscal year 2008 and 2009 has added value by controlling total costs and expenses. HP is competitively positioned to benefit from the business trends to align its printing businesses from analog to digital printing, producing innovative products like the web-enabled home printer, w eb and mobile printing, graphics and retail photo printing in annuity businesses, and in the managed print services business. HP is well positioned to integrate storage, networking, servers, and management software. Further, its IT management software development would fulfill virtualization management besides automating processes

Essay 3 and Module 8 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

3 and Module 8 - Essay Example ccording to Aristotle, "Tragedy, then, is an imitation of a noble and complete action, having the proper magnitude; it employs language that has been artistically enhanced . . . ; it is presented in dramatic, not narrative form, and achieves, through the representation of pitiable and fearful incidents, the catharsis of such incidents" (Aristotle 11). With this definition, Aristotle in none of the way implies an unfortunate or a deadly conclusion to a certain drama. I think it is the perspective with which the audience looks at it, rather than the end itself. Taking the example of Oedipus the King, the king, hero himself faces a death, but this is viewed positively as an end to a suffered life; A happy ending to an unhappy life. One characteristic common to the times of the tragedies of Aristotle was its depiction to the lives of the highly placed kings and queens, or the kingly of that time. But Arthur Miller believed that tragedy and drama is apt for the common man too; since a common man is similarly involved in emotional situations as these royals. A commoner traverses through the same mental and developmental process as these richly. According to Arthur Miller, tragedy is all the drama an individual engages in for securing his personal dignity, which might require lying down in life. But, for his position as an individual should be rightly accepted by the society. This is not so simple; all this unrolls from a sequence of events, which are entwined in wounds caused by indignation. This tragedy in unfolded from the individual, who is characterized as a hero. This hero in his way of living is not a flawless and neither a perfect character, nor he is designed to portray pure weakness. This weakness is depicted to build around a story, where the hero plays a passive character to maintain his image and safeguard his dignity. For Aristotle, the rank and the nobility of the tragic character was of utmost importance, for him tragedy represented actions of person

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Components of a research article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Components of a research article - Essay Example Formulating a good research question is a job half done as the paper follows the research question and hence the research question has to be posed in a structured manner. 3) Both the articles one and two attempt to answer the research question related to the generation of anxiety among the participants before a major competition. The first article proposes the question to â€Å"examine retrospective perceptions and causal beliefs about temporal experiences of competitive anxiety and related symptoms in the lead up to competition† (Hanton, 2002) whereas the second article attempts to answer the question about â€Å"To investigate the symptom responses associated with competitive anxiety through a fine grained measurement approach† (Hanton, 2004). 4) The rationale provided by the authors of the first article has to do with examining the precompetitive anxiety responses is critical to the understanding of the symptoms as effective interventions can be provided if the symptoms are understood. In other words, the rationale for the first article is about finding ways to relieve the stress in sportspersons before a major competition. 5) The rationale for article two is to find out the frequency of manifestation of symptoms so as to provide effective and timely relief as well as lasting relief. The rationale for this flow in a similar manner to article one and the emphasis is on providing treatment before major competitions. 6) A hypothesis is a tentative conclusion that the authors posit as a way of reaching the solution. A hypothesis is usually proposed without empirical and quantitative data and later it is tested against the data for validation. 7) The hypotheses that the authors were testing in Article two relates to, â€Å"In addition to examining anxiety perceptions as responses that may change over time, there is scope for researchers to consider a frequency component to the response† (Hanton, 2004). Hence the authors of article two were testing the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Female circumcision (also referred to as female genital mutilation) Essay

Female circumcision (also referred to as female genital mutilation) - Essay Example In fact, many men in Sudan will refuse to marry a woman who has not undergone the mutilation procedures (Hosken, 2005). This practice is done, also, as a means of exerting male dominance over the female, which is often common in the Muslim communities of Africa and the Middle East. Outside of the physical effects of female genital mutilation, there are significant psychological outcomes of the practice, including diminished self-concept (self-esteem) and unhealthy submissive behaviors leading to poor notions of self-identity and equal rights. In cultures where men or governments actively inflict this harm on women, those who refuse the procedures are either killed or left without a husband who will refuse to marry her. In nations where male financial support is required due to lack of legislation allowing women to work independently, the psychological impact of refusing mutilation is one of abandonment. Some argue that such genital mutilation is done to satisfy strict religious doctrine, however there are other complaints that governments use this to avoid genocide, or the destruction of a countrys citizens in favor of using government food and money to support them. If governments use these mutilation procedures to stop women from having one child after another, it keeps populations under control. This is very much a human rights issue, as it seems that the United Nations, The World Health Organization, and Amnesty International are working very hard at raising awareness of the plight of women across the globe. Progressive and Westernized nations prohibit any form of violence against women, thus they are reinforcing these values to other nations. Kenya recently experienced a significant drop in female genital mutilation activities due to the overwhelming, positive response of these organizations to identify the long-term psychological and physical impact of the procedure to

Monday, September 23, 2019

News Write- Ups Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

News Write- Ups - Case Study Example The alleged stabilization of the global economy by IMF has been achieved through efforts from both the U.S and Europe. The stabilization became apparent through economic indicators in the U.S that seemed more positive or optimistic while, on the side of Europe, the measures that had currently been undertaken in Greece demonstrated perceptible recovery. Learning and Benefits In view of the news article, I have managed to understand that the global economy has had numerous problems in the recent past. However, the economic crisis at international level has stabilized after prolonged periods of backdrop since the problem invade the global economic system. According to the news, the world has the grounds to be optimistic although there is no guarantee regarding financial security. This is because other principal economic and financial threats still challenge the current state of the global economy. According to IMF chief, certain risks still exist in a global economy with the leading bei ng massive debts that emanate from the public and private domain. In addition, augmenting oil prices offer substantial risk to the growth of the global economy in diverse ways. The only way to tackle the threats is addressing the matters that pose the greatest risks. Source: Edwards, N. and Qing, K. G. (Mar 18, 2012). Global economy on recovery path, risks remain: IMF chief. Reuters. Retrieved from: News write-up 2 Summary Stocks have assumed a downward trend for the next five days indicating the longest slide down in this year. The problem has occurred at a period that has seen persistent European debt and at the commencement of tentative corporate earnings. This implies that the problem is a triple tragedy within the country considering all the problems hitting the economy. The backdrop in stock has seen numerous falls in stock exchange earnings, in Europe. Companies from that have recently swept the markets have considerably lost out in the stocks slide down. Connection The losi ng splash is speculated to have commenced on the previous Tuesday after the Federal Reserve admitted to being concerned about the vigor of job augmentation, and asserted that it was not obligated to offer additional or supplemental assistance for the financial system. Unlike other companies, Alcoa presented promising quarterly results in terms of profits and sales. However, their success has been attributed to cost-cutting through layoffs some of their workforce. Investors in the U.S were astonished with the performance since they expected backdrops similar to those from companies in Europe. Most European companies experienced backdrops in the five days since the stock commenced the losing trend. Learning and Benefits In view of the news article, various factors have contributed to the recent stock slide down the most imperative factors being the debts that emanate from borrowing. The article presents the idea that Spain and Italy has recently accumulated numerous borrowing costs. I n fact, Spain’s borrowing expenditures almost reached extents that would otherwise pressurize other nations to request for bailouts. The stocks slide down has caused Dow to move approximately 550 points below its previous levels. In Spain and France, the falls approximated 400 pints, which is

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Commercial Property Insurance Essay Example for Free

Commercial Property Insurance Essay When starting up a new business, one of the most important factors for a business owner to decide on is the location of that business. With a white-water rafting business there are several important factors that a company must look at before they can proceed. First item is the legal aspects of acquiring, holding, and disposing of both real and personal properties. This aspect is more important because it is the first steps that the client needs to make to get their business up and running. The next item is to analyze the business for insurance purposes. White water rafting can be a dangerous sport, and therefore it is essential that the business is protected from injury lawsuits. The final item that any business needs to be aware of is the environmental issues and other regulations that come with the location. In order to determine the best location for the client’s white water rafting business should be located, we will look at three locations in Florida, Ohio, and Texas to compare which location will be the best fit for this business. Evaluate the Legal Aspects of Acquiring, Holding, and Disposing of Real Property In the U.S. the River-Rafting business is considered to be real property, this due to riverbeds and banks being owned by the state. If a river is physically navigable, then is considered to be pubic property. According to Cheeseman (2007), â€Å"Real property is immovable or attached to immovable land or buildings, whereas personal property is movable† (p. 755). Real property has a major role in the United States economy of property and ownership rights. Real property deals with the legal rights of property rather than physical attributes of tangible land. When acquiring real property it is important to understand the concepts the property and how to transfer rights of the property so that the execution of the property can take place. There are normally two classifications of property, personal and real. Most commonly real property takes the place of land. Landowners purchase surface rights to the land which gives them the  right to occupy the land. This allows the owner the right to enjoy, develop, and use the property as needed, however can be subject to applicable government regulations. In the State of Florida the legal aspects surrounding the acquirement, holding, and disposal of real property are that the buyer must record all deeds with the public records office of the specific county courthouse. This recording suggests that the property has been sold and any subsequent purchases should be careful. The title of the property holds the rights and ownership to the said property and is considered documentary ownership. The company is also given a warranty deed which provides protection to the purchaser. This is proof that the purchaser is the legal owner of the purchased property with no outstanding mortgages, liens, or other holds against the property. The State of Ohio works in a similar way to Florida by requiring a deed, mortgage, lease, or another similar document that spells out who the ownership is being transferred too and contains a detailed description of what the property is that is signed by the grantor and then notarized. The buyer is then also given a warranty deed that verifies and protects the property. Texas also requires a deed, mortgage, lease, or other form of verification of property ownership once it is purchased. Land is also considered real property so if our client wants to purchase the land to put his mobile home on, the purchase will most likely be funded by a community bank or rural land lenders that are familiar with the lending of land. If after time our client would rather construct their building for business, they can write off the interest on the construction of the property if it will also be his residence (East Texas Land, 2014). In the state of Texas, if an entity wants to sell their real property, they need to get a letter by the potential buyer of the property making an offer for either the purchase or lease of the property. The current owner of the property has to disclose all current and existing appraisal reports to ensure that the owner’s opinion of the value of the property is backed up. Taxes will also have to be paid to the state of Texas for any real property that is purchased in the state. Evaluate the Legal Aspects of Acquiring, Holding, and Disposing of Personal Property The U.S. economic system is formed by the private ownership of personal property. According to Cheesman (2007), â€Å"Personal property is tangible  property such as automobiles, furniture, and equipment, and intangible property such as securities, patents, and copyrights† (p. 739). Personal property consists of a person’s rights related to possession and ownership of property, including land, structures, or buildings on land and the materials beneath land. In the state of Florida all tangible personal property is taxed at the local level and varies from county. As of 2007, Florida no longer taxes on intangible personal property. Fee Simple Deeds are the most commonly used form of ownership for property in Florida. Fee Simple Deeds gives the owner the rights to sell, posses, and use as security, improve land/buildings, and pass on to beneficiaries. For Ohio, personal property rights vary by the type of personal property. When buying personal property make sure to check into specific laws for different items, but know that most have some type of transferable clause in them if anything would happen to the owner. The state of Texas has the authority to tax any and all tangible personal property purchased in the state. Intangible personal property is only taxed if the property is owned by a resident of the state, or if the personal property is located in the state and is used for business purposes (Tax Code). For our client, he will be taxed for all equipment purchased and used for his river-rafting business. The current tax rate will be used at the time of purchase. Analyze the Business of Insurance for Various Risks There are a several forms of insurance that will need to be acquired to minimize the risk of performing a River-Rafting business. Injuries are the main risks a River-Rafting company face. They need to be concerned with injuries that could potentially happen to both the clients and employees. Other risks would be the damage that could occur to the rafts and other equipment used for rafting as well as the flooding of the mobile home office. In addition to the insurance need for performing the business, there are also several types of insurance that minimize monetary loss and professional  liability. The professional liability insurances include workman’s compensation insurance, property insurance, and business interruption insurance. The property insurance will provide compensation to the company in the event that a flood occurs and business interruption insurance covers lost revenue that occurs due to a disaster. The two forms of liability insurance that would need to be acquired are on-water and floater liability. These policies provide compensation to the clients in the event an injury occurs while rafting. The insurance also covers any physical damages that may have occurred to the raft or other equipment. Florida’s insurance premiums are fairly low due to their enhanced tort reforms. Florida has fairly low caps on punitive and non-economic damages, which lower the total damages provided by the insurer to the plaintiff in the event of a claim. This in turn increases the insurer’s profitability and lowers premiums. The state of Texas would also require the same type of insurance as the other states. Along with employee and customer protection, a business would also need to protect their property from damage. There are three different types of commercial property policies in Texas that our client can choose from which are basic form policies, broad form policies, and special form polices. These policies will provide either replacement cost coverage, actual cash value coverage, or a combination of both. Depending on where the client chooses to open their business and operate, an insurance company in Texas may exclude windstorm and hail coverage so our client may have to purchase additional policies if they want to be covered (Commercial Property Insurance, 2014). Identify Environmental Issues and Regulations Related to the Site The land that we are suggesting to purchase is a piece of land in Volusia County Florida close to Gemini Springs County Park. This piece of land is used by rafters often and would be a great location to start up a rafting business. If you choose to purchase this piece of land, your company needs  to cautious about any environmental hazards you could be held liable for. We suggest that an evaluation of the land be done to ensure these hazards do not exist. Your company also needs to keep in mind that the land must be purchased in the parts of the county that rafting is allowed by the local government. Keep in mind that any hazardous emissions, contaminations, or underground oil leaks could fall under the liability of the company as the new land owner. Any changes to the land purchased need to be permitted by local, state, and federal regulations. The location in Ohio that we suggest is a spot down the Great Miami River. This location is located near the Cincinnati area that is currently home to several white water rafting sites. This particular location is less crowded and therefore less prone to direct competition from other rafting locations (Whitewater). Since there hasn’t been a lot of rain in Texas in the last few years, most of the Texas rivers and lakes are very low. The place that we would recommend for our clients business is along the Guadalupe River. Customers can experience a nice scenic view with a variety of trees, cliffs crowned with mesquite, and rocky bluffs and rolling hills. Our client needs to make sure that they do not disrupt natures order and comply with all environmental laws. Our client needs to make sure that the water level of the river is adequate for rafting and that depending on the water level of cfs, different rules may apply. Best decision for our client Most of the property laws are the same among Florida, Ohio, and Texas so when deciding where to start a new river-rafting business for our client, we believe that Texas would be their best option. Texas has many rivers that our client can choose from and may be able to choose a place where windstorm damage is covered under their insurance policy. Some parts of the state do have low water levels but with the great size of Texas, there are still plenty of options to choose from. References Commercial Property Insurance. (2014). Retrieved from East Texas Land. (2014). Retrieved from Part VIII: Property Law. (n.d.): n. pag. Ohio State Bar Association. Web. . Tax Code. Retrieved from Whitewater Paddling Rivers in Ohio. Ohio White Water Rivers and Paddling Spots. N.p., n.d. Web. . State of (2014). Retrieved from Cheesman, H. R. (2007). Business Law: Legal Environment, Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and International Issues, 6e. Prentice Hall, Inc. A Pearson Education Company.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The stages of a business plan development

The stages of a business plan development This document is inclined to clearly stipulate and evaluate what I have contributed to the aim in taking place a realistically thought out business plan and what my intent and my involvement toward my fellow group members was. I am going to describe my own role in helping the team to achieve its goal in creation of the successful business plan. Also I will provide evidence of my contribution to the cohesiveness of the team and how I facilitated the completion of the team goals. My team includes Miss Stacey Coetzee, and Mr. Thokozani Nkambule. We three are good friends and we believe that running a business takes a lot of hard work and strong commitment. With that in mind, this is the individual reflective report of how the business plan for Coffi Bean came about, and how I have contributed toward it. Team Work A team is a group of people who work together on the same task. According to Dawson and Andriopoulos (2009), team formation and social dynamics go though five stages, called forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. Forming This is the initial stage of putting the team together where individuals learn about each other and the team requirements as well as the challenges, expectations, and the overall structure of the team (Dawson Andriopoulos 2009 p:141).   This is also the information gathering and exploratory stage.   Anyone who has ever been put into a team or has been asked to form one will most definitely familiar with this phase and should be able to relate to it. Storming This is probably the noisier phase during which the members of the team all have their own ideas and directions that they want to go in (Dawson Andriopoulos 2009 p:141).   Oftentimes team members debate, critique, and confront each other to decide on the best course of action.   Im sure my group members can attest to the fact that we have definitely gone through our storming phase (or a few of them!).   This phase can be a bit uncomfortable and/or unpleasant but its still quite necessary for the growth and development of the team. Norming This is the phase where the team really starts to function and work together as a team.   Individuals start to understand each others work habits and ethic and everything seems much more natural.   Responsibility and roles are much more clearly defined, expectations are set, and collaboration is in full swing (Dawson Andriopoulos 2009 p:141).   Performing Not all teams reach this phase but those that do are the high-performing teams which have grown to become both knowledgeable and efficient at what they do.   Supervision goes down as individuals are now capable of making appropriate decisions.   This is essentially where the team really starts shining and delivering superior results (Dawson Andriopoulos 2009 p:141). Adjourning This phase refers to the team breaking up after the task has been completed (Dawson Andriopoulos 2009 p:141).   Most groups in all different types of settings will go through most of the stages over the course of a team forming process. When the lecturer first asked us to divide ourselves into groups in which we would have to develop a business plan, our group remained in the forming stage for quite a while.   It took us many days and many meetings to figure out what we were doing and make up a team.   We were four persons in the group but one of the members eliminated themselves for apparent reasons. In order to perform, I had to get persons which were somewhat more knowledgeable in certain aspects of business then I am, and unfortunately but gratefully everyone already had chosen people so the people that were left just decided to combine. Each member had or rather felt that they could specialize better in a field which they were more equipped in, and by this each member was automatically assigned to a specific part in the business plan. I was initially responsible for operations plan and the industry overview as I felt more fitted in this aspect of business, and as I always consider what people need and how t hings should be done. Stacey was assigned to concentrate on the marketing aspect, whilst Thokozani was granted doing the financial section and the position acquisition, because of his excellent capability in accounting field. We each typed out our own sections, as we felt we should all be present for explanation on the others disclosure and for approval reasons. Although the forming stage did take a while, we were able to cover most of the norming stage at the same time because we started knowing each other quite well.   Once we finally formed our team, the rest of the stages went much easier.   We were able to finish up the norming and began performing rather quickly.   Our group performed quite well together and spent very little time, if any, in the storming stage. We are currently finishing up the adjourning stage right now until the completion of our individual reflective reports. Process of the Initiation Firstly I came up with the idea of a coffee shop as my mother is always argumentative about how she likes her coffee and what she enjoys most about it. This was my sole inspiration, aside from the idea of a sports bar which I thought was a bit far-fetched as it required a lot of attention and reliable people. Each group member came up with an idea and we evaluated each, but our main focus was to concentrate on service, evidently we had to choose from an internet cafà ©, the sports bar, a mountain bike shop and the coffee shop, one member had suggested a casino and a clothing shop, we had brainstormed all these ideas and the next time we met we all gave our opinions on which would be more realistic and we decided on the coffee shop, we agreed upon the name Coffi-Bean which we felt is just a little bean about to erupt, solely because of its potential to grow extensively and because we had agreed on a slightly newly urbanized area Southdowns. Industry and Competitive Analysis I was responsible for the operations plan of the team and the analysis of Porters five forces. I was involved in decision making, providing ideas and opinions, running the sessions and the analyzing of Porters five forces. I motivated team members and myself to reach goals, and did planning before moving on to next parts of the business plan. Even though, this business plan was very hard and required a lot of work and was very time-consuming, our team worked very well together which made it easier. Incorrect decisions can waste investment funding and delay time to market, or worse, create corporate chaos that affects the very foundation of the firms financial stability (Drummond, Ensor Ashford 2008, p: 140). Thats why Stacey uncovered a market gap in the newly established location where the supply was smaller than demand. Relating to our business, gap analysis can be defined as an approach to identifying the unmet needs of consumers, in which respondents are asked to envisage the ideal coffee shop and then to rate various coffee shops on key attributes; if no existing coffee shop measures up to the ideal, a gap exists which could be filled by a coffee shop (Drummond, Ensor Ashford 2008, p: 146). Through detailed research of local and national market demand curves, we identified market gap opportunities that aligned with our strategic and tactical business growth objectives. The gap in the market was identified after Stacey brought to our attention that the coffee and restaura nt industry was booming at that present time, and that there was a demand for small cozy places that were not forming a part of the large generic chains. She also convinced us that the coffee business in general does not show signs of slowing down. And because of the new innovations such as flavorings and additives, the business would be viable and it should continue for some time. Looking back at our business plan, I still believe that we have chosen the right industry to be in because; at present, time is right for opening a coffee house. I did some research and found out that Coffee houses were having a great deal of success, which was and still is evidenced by the full houses every day of the week. And because Southdowns is a new area in Centurion it had no such places yet. A competitive analysis is a critical part of any business plans marketing plan. With this evaluation, we can establish what makes a product or service unique, and therefore what characteristic your business plays up in order to attract the target market (Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson 2009, p:58). Competitive analysis can be defined as identifying the competitors and evaluating their strategies to determine their strengths and weaknesses relative to those of your own coffee shop (Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson 2009, p:58). Looking back at the business plan, I have pin-pointed accurate key competitors. The biggest competition there was, was MuggBean located all the way in Centurion Mall. And a customer from our area had to drive 10 to 20 minutes, in order to reach that coffee house. The majorities of these establishments were and are located on the central side of town. And only a few were beginning to open in the newly established area. Presentation Experience A professional and well-written business plan is the foundation towards the growth and success of a business. However a good and high quality business plan presentation is an essential for companies seeking for funds. A business plan presentation is usually a type of lecture, given by an individual or group, on a specific work-related topic (Scarborough, Douglas Zimmerer 2009, p:217). The ideas presented should include industry research and plan outcomes, such as a new advertisement for a product designed to increase profits (Scarborough, Douglas Zimmerer 2009, p:217). The success of a business plan often depends not only on its contents, but also the quality of the presentation itself (Scarborough, Douglas Zimmerer 2009, p:217). Presenting the business plan was a frightening task. While I have no problem speaking in front of large group of people on just about any topic, opening our business plan and individual thoughts for criticism was very nerve wracking. I felt like the panel was looking at me like a deer caught in headlights. Straight after the presentation I felt uneasy and uncomfortable that maybe the panel hated the presentation and that they would say, oh, dont get him to speak again- he was boring! But after I have received the groups feedback, I realized where our problems were. I as well as my team members were reading too much from the slides and at the same time failed to include many of the important aspects of the business plan into our presentation. That said, I have learned that for all my future presentations I will be more clear about my objective, I will understand my audience, I will focus on the content and not the add-ons, I will get the audience to relate to the content and to always try and convey my point without reading from the slides. Alternative Scenario Looking back, I think our predictions for return on our investment and for future growth were just about right. We did take into account the losses that might occur despite this we kept in mind what we had learned that risk taking is all about business and thats what makes a success. Our chosen business was designed so that it could evolve with changing time, we focused on flexibility and constancy as our mere attraction was to seek loyalty in our market. We had researched coffee houses and concluded that they are viable; as people are becoming more demanding in our time on relaxation and a comfortable atmosphere, by identifying this we perceived that it is an ideal business opportunity. Although competition might be tight, we concentrated more on the fact that their arent any coffee houses in that specific shopping centre which also attracted us to that location and because Stacey is so keen on entertaining there arent any entertainment shops which we felt was a competitive edge the coffee house would have and although there is no cover charge for all entertainment events, Thokozani felt this was a good way to obtain funds on adding these extras. We might have disregarded our advertising costs a little, as we initially didnt want to spend a lot on our first opening as we were uncertain of the outcome, but most certainly the potential of the coffee shop is considerably a good opportunity. Even though I think that our business plan was just about right in order to achieve our growth objectives, there are still few points or alternative additions that I would have preferred to be included in it. No two business plans are alike, a business plan for one coffee shop say a casual, fast-food establishment will be much different than that for another coffee shop such as a formal sit-down place. Therefore it is the unique aspects of a restaurant that help to give it a competitive advantage. First, the business plan should have had the section that carefully explained food and beverage production. Where will food be prepared? What safety procedures would be implemented to protect employees and customers from the dangers of food poisoning? In preparing certain menu items (dishes), how will consistency be maintained (i.e. computerized recipe file, use of requisition forms, etc.)? Secondly, when Thokozani prepared the sales projections for our business plan, he should have take n into consideration the estimated number of meals and/or drinks that would be served daily/weekly/monthly, as well the average daily seat turnover and the average check. Usefulness of the Business Plan The business plans usefulness is not limited to helping the entrepreneurs raise funds to support the opening of the business (Madura 2009, p:208). The business plan will be used as a guide for making business decisions throughout the life of the business. It provides a sense of direction for businesses future development (Madura 2009, p:208). The success or failure of any firm is partially dependent on its business plan. A complete business plan normally includes an assessment of the business environment, a management plan, a marketing plan and a financial plan (Madura 2009, p:208). The restaurant business is a very challenging business field to enter. When starting a new business, we as owners will have a lot of decisions to make. Creating a high-quality business plan will allow an owner to have a guide to reference as challenges arise (Fullen 2005, p:184). A restaurant without a written and well-thought-out business plan runs an extremely high risk of failure in its first year of operation (Fullen 2005, p:184). In my opinion the part of the business plan which we didnt really look into were our actions to take when and if the unforeseen competition has to enter the market, unexpected expenses has arise or if our financing opportunities has to change based on the current economic situation. If by some chance these hardships do not occur, it is easier to adjust a restaurant business plan for that than it is for dealing with situations we did not anticipate and plan for. Conclusion Overall, I really enjoyed going through all the stages of the business plan development, because I was able to apply what I learned in class to a real-world situation.   Many classes teach you a bunch of stuff but never give you the opportunity to see it for yourself.   For instance, Ive learned so much about formulation of marketing, management and financial strategies, but have never had to go through that in real life.   Other classes teach you things, but you never use it until years later, at which time you have forgotten some, if not all of it.   I was able to take what I learned each week in class and use it to help me with the business plan.   I think this quick application of the principles allows for greater development as a leader will be able to use what I have learned now and years in the future.   I can also use our group formulation and development as an example when Im in future groups and build upon the successes and learn from the failures.   This busi ness plan made a big impact on me and the rest of my group. Sources Consulted Dawson, P Andriopoulos, C 2009, Managing Change, Creativity and Innovation, Sage Publications, London, UK Drummond, G Ensor, J Ashford, R 2008, Strategic Marketing: Planning and Control, Butterworth-Heinemann Publications, Oxford Fullen, S 2005, Opening a restaurant or other food business starter kit, Atlantic Publishing, Florida Hitt, M Ireland, D Hoskisson, R 2009, Strategic management: competitiveness and globalization: concepts cases, Cengage Leraning Publications, Ohio Madura, J 2007, Introduction to Business, Cengage Learning Publications, Ohio Scarborough, N Wilson, D Zimmerer, T 2009, Effective Small Business Management, Prentice Hall, London

Friday, September 20, 2019

For Every Action There is a Reaction in Macbeth Essay -- Macbeth Essay

William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth tells the story of Macbeth, a loyal and brave nobleman who lives in Scotland, with his wife Lady Macbeth. At the start of the play, Macbeth (a general in the army of King Duncan, originally thane of Glamis, then thane of Cawdor, and later King of Scotland) takes three prophecies from three atrocious witches. The first witch says, â€Å"All hail, Macbeth! hail to thee, thane of Glamis† (1.3.48). The second witch says, â€Å"All hail, Macbeth! hail to thee, thane of Cawdor† (1.3.49). The third witch tells us the final prophecy and she says, â€Å"All hail, Macbeth! that shall be king hereafter† (1.3.50). This is where the whole play unfolds with Macbeth knowing that he will become King in times way, and so forth he begins his way to becoming king with later on in the play as he murderers the King of Scotland, King Duncan. He eventually kills many others such as Banquo, Lady Macduff and her children, which later on in the play everyone caught on to why Macbeth killed the innocent, and is to why everyone retired away from his power, went against him and killed him. Macbeth’s death would be considered a â€Å"Poetic Justice† in the play Macbeth. The outburst of Lady Macbeth’s death for taking out a suicide would as well be considered a â€Å"Poetic Justice† in the play. But the wicked from them all, the three witches do not suffer in any way and do not take any punishment for their acts. The degree of â€Å"Poetic Justice† found in the play of Macbeth is acceptable and would be at a completion of 85%. The first to be mentioned in my introduction paragraph right above is the one and only Macbeth. The first malevolent decision by Lady Macbeth and Macbeth was to kill King Duncan. With King Duncan ... ...ld be when Macduff slaughters Macbeth and Malcolm is put back in the honour of the throne and is called King of Scotland. So, therefore, the witches are just as guilty for the events that place, but yet they suffer no punishment for it. The only people in the whole play that have done wrong have been either murdered or have committed suicide but the witches. I left my degree at an 85% for the reason that the witches were not punished in the act of justice but just left alone. Reason being is because no one but Banquo and Macbeth knew of them which are how they played the whole game invisible to their own power. Whether or not that poetic justice is served to all, it did serve to the biggest treats in the whole play; Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Works Cited "Justice in Macbeth." 13 Jan 2016 .

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Message Boards and Their Abuse: Trolls :: essays research papers fc

Message Boards and their Abuse: Trolls Nowadays, anybody with and internet connection can go online and chat with a variety of peers. One of the most common places to chat is bulletin pages known as message boards. Messages written on these boards stay on the boards for everyone to view. Overtime, as people on the boards get to know each other, message boards usually end up being a part of a community.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Yet, with all the activity and chatter a message board supplies, there are nuisances as well. Adolescents who go on the computer usually want to start trouble or irritate others. These people are called trolls. Trolls are a very troublesome problem in the message board community. Trolls usually post beliefs that are not well respected within the message board community. Take a sports message board for example. A troll on a sports message board would usually say that the team that specific board supports â€Å"sucks† and the troll would go on to brag how his or her team is superior. Trolls usually do this on consistent bases to annoy the other members on the board.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Trolls also can abuse a message board by spamming or flooding the board. Some message boards have website problems where one can click the submit button a thousand times and then his or her message would be posted the amount of times the spammer clicked â€Å"submit.† Trolls can also find ways to exploit message boards into using censored words. If a message board censors out bad language, one can put message board code like [i][/i] between the censored word and it will bypass the censor system. Smart trolls can also program scripts to post a specific message during a specific time frame (every 30 seconds, for example). Egotistical trolls usually try to imitate other members on the board by making screen names that look similar to the members being impersonated. This can be done by such methods as putting an underscore before after the person’s name or exchanging syllables with letters ( for example, exchange the letter L with the number 1). When imp ersonating, a troll will usually try to act like the normal person at first to fool the community and then try to wreck that person’s image by posting obscene remarks. Trolls are just trying to cause trouble on the message boards.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Trolls are the main cause of message board abuse. They do not try to work with the community, but rather try to destroy it.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

themes of cervantes don quixote Essay -- essays research papers

Themes of Cervantes’ Don Quixote Miguel de Cervantes’ greatest work, The Ingenious Gentleman, Don Quixote De La Mancha, is a unique book of multiple dimensions. From the moment of its creation, it has amused readers, and its influence has vastly extended in literature throughout the world. Don Quixote is a county gentleman disillusioned by his reading of chivalric romances, who rides forth to defend the oppressed and to right wrongs. Cervantes presented the knight-errant so vividly that many languages have borrowed the name of the hero as the common term to designate a person inspired by magnificent and impractical ideals.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cervantes’ theme throughout the novel is consistent and straightforward. Despite the lengthy digressions and numerous episodic adventures, the theme of the novel is clear- the values of the Golden Age have been lost over the centuries and must be restored for the good of society. Before the fall of man when the earth was still a paradise, Don Quixote explained to some goatherds, â€Å"all things were held in common, and to gain [man’s] daily sustenance no labor was required of any man save to reach forth his hand and take it from the sturdy oaks that stood liberally inviting him with their sweet and seasoned fruit (134),† making it needless to steal, cheat or lie. He went on, â€Å"fraud, deceit, malice had not yet come to mingle with truth and plain-speaking.† Because the world is no longer in such a state, however, â€Å"the order of knigh...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Lean Supply Chain Management Essay

Manufacturing, Fall River, MA, USA Abstract Lean supply is closely associated with enabling ? ow and the elimination of wasteful variation within the supply chain. However, lean operations depend on level scheduling and the growing need to accommodate variety and demand uncertainty has resulted in the emergence of the concept of agility. This paper explores the role of inventory and capacity in accommodating such variation and identi? es how TRIZ separation principles and TOC tools may be combined in the integrated development of responsive and ef? cient supply chains. A detailed apparel industry case study is used to illustrate the application of these concepts and tools. r 2003 Elsevier Science B. V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Agile; Trade-offs; Lean; Quick response 1. Introduction Outsourcing manufacture to low cost overseas suppliers is an attractive lure in our global economy, but often undertaken without adequate regard for the market needs and the corresponding demands on the associated delivery systems. Products compete in different ways in different markets and delivery systems need to be designed with this in mind. Offshore supply offers attractive cost bene? ts, but the trade-off is often high levels of inventory to support a slower response capability.

Monday, September 16, 2019

“Is the Rookie Ready” by Sarah Green Essay

A manager listens, compromises, delegates appropriately, coaches and leads by example. Both Tim O’Connell and Kristen Hammersmith are referenced as Managers in HBR’s case study â€Å"Is the Rookie Ready† by Sarah Green. Although Kristen is the newly appointment Manager and by default one could argue that she is the rookie; but judging Tim’s behavior and rash decision on the Hybara project, I believe he has proven himself as the Rookie Manager. A good manager with any leadership skills would never commit to a very tight deadline with many constraints without asking the customer a few questions and consulting with his or her project manager or team members. Tim points out that â€Å"without this revenue Driscoll may be looking at staff reductions.† Although this is a valid point, he has failed to understand that Hybara is essentially begging him for the software installation so that they don’t lose any more revenue. Tim realizes Hybara’s urgency and an opportunity for the company to gain revenue, but fails to see Hybara’s desperation which is a positive playing factor in negotiating a better delivery timeframe as well as extra revenue in expediting the project installation. Committing to a project that takes three times as long to complete during a Christmas break knowing the staff may be out on vacation, was an impulsive irresponsible decision. This alludes to the fact that Tim failed to give Kristen and her team an opportunity to provide feedback and to feel valued and respected. Tim could have simply empowered Kristen by engaging her with his thoughts or concerns on Hybara’s request, or asked for her suggestions and input regarding the tight timeframe. Instead, Tim put the project at risk, set the project and Kristen for failure as soon as he hung up the phone with Hybara with his commitment. Further, we can see that Tim has ineffectively dealt with his dislike to Alessandra Sandoval’s persona. Not being able to comfortably accept and work with Alessandra’s persona, has lead Alessandra to leave the company. Conflicts and tension can arise in any environment at any given point, but if the issues are not given appropriate attention and resolved in a timely  fashion, things will just worsen and may result in a resignation similar to Alessandra. As we can clearly see, Tim is not a good manager. His bad decisions and lack of sensitivity and awareness to interact effectively with employees are costing the company to lose good employees, and setting up projects for failure. Tim has certainly proven that he couldn’t establish a good trusting relationship with Alessandra, nor is he building a credible relationship with Kristen. He has successfully delegated a task to Kristen, but is not successfully managing the task’s outcome. In summary, there are a few activities Tim can engage in to change his rookie management style to an effective management style. First and foremost, establish a credible relationship with Kristen by helping her overcome insecurities she may be facing. Focus on the outcome of the project and plan out a reasonable timeframe, with Kristen and her team, for completing the project. Next, Tim should contact Hybara on a revised installation plan as well as an additional fee for the last minute installation. Committing to be open and aware of the needs of Kristen and her team will further enhance Tim’s management skills. Tim has to ensure that Kristen and her team have the appropriate resources, including time, budget and overall support, to get the job done. Further, Tim has to create a two-way communication environment, believe in and value his team. Lastly, Tim has to provide leadership and clear direction. This recommendation will allow Tim to flourish into an experienced, effective manager.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sas Case Analysis

International Case #: 6-2 T h e C a s e o f (Scandinavian Airlines S A S System) INTRODUCTION SCANDINAVIAN AIRLINES SYSTEM (SAS) originated when the airlines of Sweden, Norway and Denmark formed a consortium. 1970’s – competition are fierce and resulted in a loss market share. 1981 – Jan Carlzon, The CEO, undertook drastic decentralization. Top-Down authority replaced by open communication. SAS Strategies is to become known as â€Å"the businessman’s strategy† (with rather high fares), with upgraded service, on-time performance, good food and comfort. For the Future SAS has 2 goals 1. To become the most efficient airline in Europe by 1992 2. To be one of the five major airlines in Europe after 1995 Keystone is SAS’s global strategy is to form strategic alliances. -? An agreement to exchange equities with Swissair was reached in 1989. -? Alliance was also made with All Nippon Airways, LanChile, Canadian Airlines Intl and Finnair. I. TIME CONTEXT II. VIEWPOINT 1981 Jan Carlzon SAS CEO III. CENTRAL PROBLEM Fierce competition, Loss of market share & Reduced profitability IV. STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVE Must: to cope up with competition Wants: to become the most efficient airline in Europe by 1992 and to be one of the five major airlines in Europe after 1995 V. AREAS OF CONSIDERATION THREATS 1.? Competition with larger airlines 2.? High fuel price 3.? Rising operational costs 4.? Decrease in demand for air service 5.? Price Wars OPPORTUNITIES 1.? Strategic alliances with other airlines 2.? Offer high-quality service V. AREAS OF CONSIDERATION WEAKNESSES 1.? Deterioration of services 2.? Low morale of the workforce STRENGTH 1.? Workforce 2.? Upgraded Services 3.? On-time performance 4.? Good food & comfort 5.? Decentralization VI. ALTERNATIVE COURSES OF ACTION 1. Continuous implementation of decentralization (+) Faster decision-making Address and solve the problem right away Open communication Training and development for employees (-) Mistakes or wrong decisions are prevalent Policies and rule must be reviewed and change Training cost Great deal of time in communication a.? b.? c.? d.? a.? b.? c.? d.? VI. ALTERNATIVE COURSES OF ACTION 2. Strategic alliance with other airlines (+) Access to different airlines hub Leverage Able to compete with larger airlines Opportunity to sell shares (-) a.? Control issue b.? Possible waste of money a.? b.? c.? d.? VI. ALTERNATIVE COURSES OF ACTION 3. Upgrade service strategy (+) a.? High-quality service b.? Punctual and on-time performance (-) a.? High fares b.? Research and development cost c.? Training cost VII. RECOMMENDATION Adapt ACA 2 (Strategic Alliance) VIII. ACTION PLAN Person Responsible Jan Carlzon / Marketing Research Jan Carlzon Jan Carlzon Jan Carlzon / Negotiating Team Negotiating Team Jan Carlzon / Allies Finance Department Activities Gather data through business intelligence & competitive analysis Set a meeting with the SAS Board Form a negotiating team Set meetings with possible allies Time Frame 30 days 1 day 7 days Prepare proposals/MOA/Service agreement Contract signing / sign-off Prepare budget 3 days 1 day 5 days â€Å"Mistakes can usually be corrected later; the time that is lost in not making a decision can never be retrieved†. – Jan Carlzon

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Secret River Conflict Impacts Greatest on the Most Vulnerable

When confronted with conflict it is the vulnerable who suffer the greatest as the powerful are indifferent to them. Vulnerability, encountering conflict and how people respond to conflict are unavoidable experiences worldwide. But ultimately vulnerability depends on the situation that a person is in. When it comes down to powerful verses the defenceless, it is the weak who are influenced the most by conflict as the powerful do not understand to what extent their actions effect others. Although the powerful trump others on their way to the top perhaps it is the assailable people who allow themselves to be manipulated. It is more prominent today that the vulnerable are greatly impacted at the hands of the powerful because of their differences, but what defines vulnerability in any given person relies on the position or state they are in. What can define a person as vulnerable are finical struggles, emotional struggles, physical struggles and racial struggles while also being defenceless, exposed and weak in nature. Considering this definition, vulnerability alters and differs for different people, whether they are blind, poor, depressed, discriminated against everyone is ‘vulnerable' in some form. It is almost always that a person becomes powerless due to their confrontation with conflict. Some of the most influential and powerful people can become weak and belittled at the hands of others or their own actions. It is the story of the rags to riches that we so often hear about but it can also be the case of riches to rags. Everyone has been deprived of their privileges or has been weak at some point in their life due to encountering a conflict. It is unavoidable; it is what defines us a person along with our resilience to keep fighting after being weak or defenceless. Most people do not have the courage to question the issue and their response to conflict is altered due to the lack of questioning. These weak people have the opportunity to be strong and stand up for what is morally right when an issue arises but instead succumbs to mob mentality and peer pressure forcing them to do things that are not of the norm, ultimately making them vulnerable. When in a new situation and new environment, people can become a weaker version of themselves. In the past it has been colonisation in Australia was what encouraged vulnerability. Some Australians thought that they had to â€Å"stick together† and by doing so attempting to control the Indigenous Australians and force them to assimilate into a dominant white culture. With this thought process of sticking together it forced some people to make decisions they wouldn’t normally make and became vulnerable and succumbed to what the majority was saying as they didn’t want to be viewed as siding with the Indigenous Australians. The situation a person is in impacts on their ability to stay strong and not become weak, once vulnerable conflict impacts greater. The problem with the powerful today is that they don't understand how their actions affect others. Majority of the powerful people worldwide started at the bottom of the food chain. Some worked hard for fortune and power; others had it handed to them. The problem with power is that it is easily abused and used for all the wrong reasons; to stay on top can sometimes become the top priority for the privileged. Staying at the top of the pyramid of society can significantly influence and impact the vulnerable as social status can be shifted immensely. On the way to the top the advantaged push others down so they can reach what they believe to be success and supremacy. The fragile are almost always targeted as it is easy to overcome and trump them giving the powerful an effortless route to total control of power. Due to the differences between the privileged ad underprivileged the powerful don’t understand what their actions can truly do. They don’t comprehend how little these people already have, because they may have never experienced a life unlike their own. During colonisation the British governor allowed British settlers to hurt and even kill the Aboriginals all because they were different. â€Å"On occasion of any native coming armed, or in a hostile manner without arms to any farm belonging to British subjects, such natives are first to be desired in a civil manner to depart from the said farm. † The indifferences between the two conflicting cultures made the powerful discriminate against what they believed to be a subhuman and inferior race and not really understand what is meant to the Aboriginals. The Aboriginals had the land first it was apart of their culture, their way of life and when it was taken away they had no other way to respond other then trying to claim back what was rightfully theirs. The government truly did not realise how they were affecting the Indigenous communities at the time. They take away what little the vulnerable have without even realising the consequences that has for the less advantaged. With a society obsessive over money and wealth there is no questioning when it comes to money versus human beings and raw emotions; money conquers all. The real question is why don’t people care about one another? The only way to fix and help the vulnerable from being constantly dragged down is to help the hedonistic society we live in. Power, wealth and what people believe to be success have become the top priority of those who are too selfish and too inconsiderate. These money infatuated people need to start taking into consideration others and stop pushing them down for their own desires. They need to realise that everyone is equal, everyone deserves the same and that they have to live with these people for the rest of their life. Sure, they can avoid the weak they have hurt but a life of harmony would be much greater then one of avoidance. The powerful that are ravenous and greedy need to stop and consider what how their actions are effecting the weak so that the targeted victims have a chance to grow and to prosper. Although the vulnerable are constantly victimised by those craving power perhaps they allow themselves to be manipulated. Sure, we all feel sorry for the less privileged but how can we when they allow themselves to be stepped all over? Yes, some of the disadvantaged are genuinely stuck in a lower social class with no hope of thriving but there are so many that take any opportunity they can in the hopes of moving up in the world. These choices are thoughtless choices. When an authoritative and influential figure approaches the weak and asks them for help there is no doubting that they would say yes. They powerful have the vulnerable in the palm of their hands and the underprivileged let them. Why, why would you let someone walk all over you when you know that they are just using you for something greater? I personally believe it is so that the vulnerable can be viewed as incapable and desperate drawing the powerful to them in the hopes of leeching something off them. What they don’t understand is that the rich and the privileged have a lot more resources for victory and it is a pointless attempt to try and receive anything from them. They want to stay at the bottom so that others feel sorry for them, so that they don’t have to work, so they can get by on the scrapings that we give them. They idolise the advantaged and in doing so they are blinded by their own obsession allowing them to be susceptible to manipulating and scheming. It is also the case of mob mentality when someone gives into peer pressure making them extremely pathetic and will do anything they are told because they don’t have the courage to question what is right, subjecting them to manipulation. In terms of past events in history, again British colonisation forced many people to succumb to peer pressure, with the added pressure and the desire for power it forced many settlers to do things they wouldn’t normally do. â€Å"It was not the voice of any one man but the voice of the group, faceless and powerful. † The underprivileged remain underprivileged due to the fact that they permit the privileged manoeuvre them in hopes of leeching something off them or in hopes that they may to become powerful. Ultimately the vulnerable endure greater suffering as they allow themselves to be manipulated and crushed in the hopes of something new, something better. What it means to be vulnerable can differ from situation to situation and only when confronted with a issue can they really know whether they are ‘vulnerable’ or not. To make this world a better place, a place of equality the powerful need to stop treating the disadvantaged purely based on indifferences. Nobody likes racism so there is no reason to discriminate against the poor or fragile just for being who they are.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Personal Development and Careers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Personal Development and Careers - Essay Example This relates to the first quote specifically by showing that there are a variety of processes which can be used for learning and which lead to changed behaviors. The style and process which is created is based on how one responds to a given situation as well as how this is associated with the learning which they have. The theory by Kolb then creates a psychometric analysis of how one can learn and change behaviors according to the learning style (Ciantis, 1996). When relating this statement to my personal learning style, I can also see the relevance which takes place. The experiences which I have constitutes most of my behaviors and reactions in given situations. For instance, a past job which I had was filled with high pressures, the need to respond to customers in a given manner and continuous ways in which the managers looked at employees to get high – end results. While this particular job was difficult, there was a specific thought process and emotional response which I c arried. The thought process was based on my understanding of the regulations while continuously trying to match them. The emotional responses came from the customers which I was working with and the associations which they had to the regulations that were followed. This instantly changed my behaviors, specifically in given situations. After a certain period of time, these behaviors and patterns were associated with other jobs, relationships with friends and expectations in society, specifically because there was an understanding that these regulations could help to solve problems and achieve compromises in given situations. This not only came from the basic learning and expectations of regulations, but also a... This paper approves that change management is another aspect which relates to changing employee attitudes and the approach which is used within the work space. Without the right attitude, the organization will not be able to go through necessary changes which occur. It is known that the environment is dynamic meaning new trends in society will continuously pressure a business to change. More important, the life cycle of products in a business and the approach to working in the business is also dynamic. The attitude which is necessary with this is to continue to adjust to the alterations which are in the work environment while understanding that the concept of change is required in the work place. This leads to the inability to transform the work environment while hindering the organization because of employee attitudes. This essay makes a conclusion that the specific approach taken with a given environment is based on finding problems, recording the difficulties and in changing the gaps that are within a given area. By doing this, there is the ability to create a more diverse response while approaching specific needs that are a part of the organizational environment. More important, this will help individuals and team members to have less resistance to change while continuing to implement communication methods that help to lessen gaps and to change the organizational environment. The use of communication in the right manner then becomes the main area of importance in assisting with the building of a company from a managerial level.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Forms of Human Communication through the Ages Research Paper

Forms of Human Communication through the Ages - Research Paper Example That freedom was not always available and human beings had to work hard to get to the level of communicational freedom that most people have today. That journey has been a long and fascinating one. The Cro-Magnon, a precursor to modern man, was the first to participate in cave and rock paintings. To date it remains the earliest form of actual primate communication, estimated at 40,000 years ago (Ayiter, 2014).The majority of cave paintings found throughout Europe show scenes featuring animals, like bison and bear. Experts believe that cave paintings were important to early man for few reasons. These animals were essential to the livelihood for survival; they may have signs to let hunters know what game was available in this territory. Another theory involves the concept of an early religion; they may have thought that the images had magical or medicinal powers and they, also, may have thought depicting them might improve the likelihood of successfully hunting and killing one. These cave painters did not have any forms of actual paint, there implements were likely berries of different colors and charcoal (Beacon Learning Center, 2001). Cave paintings were a form of visual communication to members of one or perhaps multiple groups. It is likely that this artistic and communicative format that paved the way for the traditions of storytelling, spiritual belief, and cultural identity all at the same time. Cave paintings continued for a long time before verbal communication became more common; in fact, even after the invention of languages certain forms of cave-paining arts remained relevant and not uncommon (Beacon Learning Center, 2001). Human beings began using their new found verbal abilities of, language as soon they realized that they could.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

WHAT HAVE I LEARNED ABOUT PHILOSOPHY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

WHAT HAVE I LEARNED ABOUT PHILOSOPHY - Essay Example Philosophy has been in existence with the coming of the first human being, and was present even before the ancient civilisations of Greece, China, India Egypt, and Mesopotamia had come into being. It started when the first man questioned ‘what is life?’, and slowly took a definite shape, as this questioning initially entered the realms of religious traditions and mythical aspects; then evolved further to become abstract in nature (initially wisdom was more religion oriented, and the philosophers/high priests were held in high esteem, thought to be in direct connotation with the Supreme Being, and thus not questioned by the common people, out of fear and reverence). Later, came the more secular thinkers (that is, philosophy which is not anti-religious in nature; but merely independent of religion), in and around 6th BC, that based their questions on reason and observation, rather than religion and tradition. It was then that philosophy took on a more humanistic form and a ppeal, and came down from the abode of the high priests and the Almighty God, to touch the lives of all the common people. These secular thinkers were thus the first true philosophers, the first seekers of true wisdom. Thus we can say that philosophy in its early form can be said to be a sort of inquiry that was secular in nature, and based on reason and logic. Some of the early well known thinkers were Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, sages from the ancient Hindu philosophy, and Buddha. Middle-ages philosophy saw the replacement of religion by science, and soon two branches of philosophy came into existence which soon separated from the mainstream philosophy; mathematics and science (referred to as the ‘natural philosophy’ till the late nineteenth century). Modern day philosophy deals with questions that fall beyond the scope of these two branches of sciences and cannot be solved by them. Well known philosophers from the middle ages

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

External Forces, Brand Strategy and Strategic Position Essay

External Forces, Brand Strategy and Strategic Position - Essay Example In present business environment, the competition had been likened to the battle zone where business rivals throw every manner of jibes to outdo another. It is normally said that the person who arrives first in the battle zone awaits opponents with much ease, and the one who comes later into the battle zone is often weary. It is on this backdrop that the business operations of Scribe Group often enter the market that is dominated by the big boys and competes on the complacency of other companies to win their share of the market and build their brand. To go out for war metaphorically requires strategy, and strategy in simple connotative term implies tactics that have been inculcated to outdo the opponent. The firm faces a number of external challenges myriad with internal dynamics. In understanding the Scribe Group’s external forces, the Porters Five Forces Model provides a sufficient mechanism for the analysis. The model recognizes and evaluates five competitive forces that continually bombard and shape companies to allocate their industry’s level of competitiveness and hence understand the development of their strategies (Griffin, 2013). In the paragraphs that will ensue, this paper shall apply the Five-Forces Model for the Scribe Group. First, Barriers to Entry, which is high, the airline industry is synonymous with a high fixed cost required for business development. The Selling and administrative costs can be high within the industry, given the fact that Scribe Group enters into a market where there are already established names especially the advertising costs. The report shows that the combined pretax profit realized from rail and airlines in 2013 and 2014 are 90 and 112 respectively against a huge turnover in the same period of  £980 and  £1101 respectively. The huge difference in turnover and profit is the result of even a comparable larger selling and administrative costs.

Reflective Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reflective Analysis - Essay Example I succeeded in hanging the infusion and had it working properly with no hitches or messes. When I was preparing to leave the patient’s bedside, my instructor asked if I had forgotten something. I panicked silently in my head and mentally reenacted all the steps 4 more times. I paused before answering in the negative. The instructor asked me for a second time, and again I replied in the negative. The dialogue was repeated 2 more times before the patient finally turned to me and politely (and jokingly) quipped , â€Å"She’s obviously trying to tell you something†. I still couldn’t put my finger on it. My instructor said, â€Å"Well, great work on the IV, but if Mr. Green wants to get out of bed to use the restroom or anything else she will have to jump (and maybe fall).† I stared at the bed, and it was still at waist-height! I had become so engrossed in my task that I forgot that the instructor had raised his bed for the IV troubleshoot. I knew that something was amiss somewhere, but the dots wouldn’t connect. My instructor was not the type that corrected students just for the sake, so I immediately felt that I had made a mistake somewhere. The issue at hand was ethical because it was covered in the nursing handbook/code of ethics. As such, I had broken an ethical rule which required that a patient’s bed be lowered to its lowest or most appropriate setting. My values and beliefs in relation to this event are all related to my practice as a nurse. I believe that a nurse must observe the nursing code of ethics at all times. It is the guiding principle of the practice. The issue was a very serious one because it is clearly stipulated in the nursing code of ethics that the nurse must always make the patient feel safe and ensure the patient’s safety by doing things like lowering and raising the bed height as is required. In my case, the bed height had been temporarily raised by the instructor and I

Monday, September 9, 2019

Formal Assignment #4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Formal Assignment #4 - Essay Example These changes relate to US demographics, including age, gender and ethnic composition. The changes in the labor market can affect both the native and immigrant populations. This paper discusses changes in the US labor market over the past few decades. The paper assumes that the same changes were in New York since it is part of US. One of the most important changes in New York and U.S. labor market is the increased labor force participation of women (Ricardo, Kristie and Michael 50). The past several decades recorded a steady increase in the number of women participating in the labor market. Since 1999, the labor-force participation rate of these women remained steady. Another important demographic change that is affecting the labor force is the evolution of the population’s age distribution. Over the past several years, age is playing an important role in determining labor force participation in New York as well the U.S. most of the working population belongs to the baby-boom generation (Ricardo, Kristie and Michael 53). These are people born between 1946 and 1964. However, this may have negative effects on the overall labor force participation rate since most of these people are growing older. The effect of age on the national economy may result from a reduction in the labor-force participation rate c aused by aging of the baby-boom generation. Racial and ethnic diversity of the U.S. population is another important demographic change that affects labor force participation. Ethnic diversity may be because of social, economic, or political factors. However, it is clear that this diversity affects the labor market in one way or another. Over the past two decades, there is a significant difference in labor force participation among different races. Between 1980 and 1990, the number of immigrant populations in the US labor market increased. The number of immigrant population employed was also very high. The number grew by about 50 percent during that